Scout Groups...

Scout Groups help volunteers work well together and keep them feeling motivated across all Sections. They make sure the Group is respected and supported in their local community.  Section Teams plan and run the programme and manage the day to day operation of the section.

Transformation - new Scout Group structure

In each Scout Group, there are three types of teams: 

The Section Team

consists of a team for each section in your Scout Group (Squirrels, Beavers, Cubs & Scouts), they work together to run high-quality programmes safely.

The Group Leadership Team 

looks after the overall operation of your Scout Group and helps all the adults in your group work together to plan and run high-quality programmes. The team is led by the Group Lead Volunteer in most cases this will be your current Group Scout Leader.

The Group Leadership Team will include each of the Section Team Leaders and any other people that want to focus on supporting the whole Group.  

Your group might find it helpful to use sub-teams of your Group Leadership Team. Sub-teams have a specific area of focus such as building maintenance or fundraising within the overall scope of the Group Leadership Team.

The Group Trustee Board

Together, your Group’s Trustees make sure that your Scout Group is well managed, risks are assessed and mitigated, equipment is in good working order, and everyone follows legal requirements and our policies, organisation, and rules. Their support helps your group’s section teams run a fantastic programme that gives young people experiences that help them learn and will remember forever!


Role mapping

Our current group roles will map across to our new teams structure. Click Here to see our current understanding of how this will look


Click here to download our scout group guide to teams and structures
Group teams planning tool
Governance and Operations checklists

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