Joining a section rota
Ways you can get involved
It really goes without saying that adults are the lynchpin of scouting. Without our volunteers scouting would simply not exist.
Scouting is about everyday people working as leaders and supporters in their communities, giving young people confidence, a sense of purpose, life values and outdoor skills that are hard to find anywhere else – we call this ‘skill for life!’
Adults in scouting are from all walks of life. The one thing they share is the enjoyment of working together and helping young people reach their potential.
All our volunteering opportunities are based on a flexible volunteering model, meaning that if you are unable to make the meeting its fine, we don’t expect everyone to be available every week. Scouting is still scouting, whether you’re involved once a week, once or twice a month, every six or eight weeks or even once or twice a year; and whether you are in the thick of activities with a group of young people or working behind the scenes in a management, trustee or support role.
We're scouts and everyone's welcome here. We'd love you to join our team of go-getters, doers and give-it-a-goers. Find out how you can make ‘scout nights’ even better. Everyone has something to offer to support local scouting, So, whatever your age or ability we have a role that will suit you and not all our roles involve working with young people so there are many ways you can get involved and help make a difference, these include:
There are two main roles for adults in scouting: working with young people and supporting those who work with them.
Running activities for young people
Working as part of a small leadership team to help plan and run an exciting programme for members of one of our youth sections. You can do this on a flexible basis: be it weekly, bi-weekly, once a month or as it suits you.
Join a team rota to help provide programmes
Whether you can spare an hour a week, a month or a term, it’s far easier to provide exciting activities at our meetings if we have your support. We fully understand that you may not be able to help on a regular basis which is why our beaver colonies, pub packs and scout troops operate adult rotas. Our rota means you can make a difference and help without when it suits you.
Become a volunteer manager
Our volunteer managers provide support and guidance to other adult volunteers, so they are motivated and inspired to provide first class scouting opportunities for young people. Whether it’s someone to talk to or thank them, or practical help with managing resources and recruiting other volunteers. These are important and rewarding roles.
Providing expertise
Help manage short projects, organise events, help manage funds, help with recruitment, marketing and publicity, deliver adult training or manage a volunteer team.
Helping to coordinate local scouting
Our trustee roles are a great way of helping with minimal time commitment. Our trustees help make decisions about local scouting and ensure our leadership teams have everything they need to run quality programmes.
Help provide active support
'Active support' means helping out when needed. It could be by running activity badges for young people, helping with catering for events or camps, assisting with running activities, helping with transport or anything else that would support local scouting. It’s a way of offering some of your time to scouting and helping out when it’s good for you.