Community Ambassadors
Scouting provides young people with skills for life
Through the challenge and adventure of scouting young people get to take risks in a safe environment, have their first taste of responsibility and learn new skills. We give young people experiences they'll never forget. The sort of adventure scouting offers is the chance to try something different and the opportunity to face challenges. When a Beaver Scout wakes up the morning after a sleepover, or a Cub Scout has just got over her fear of heights by completing her first abseil - that's adventure!
Despite having 94 Scout Groups, 26 Explorer Scout Units and over 1700 volunteers, demand to join scouting has never been higher and we want to provide the opportunities scouting has to offer to as many members of your local community as we can.
In order to achieve our goal, we need more adults to help us. With your energy and enthusiasm we know that we can! Scouting is about everyday people working as leaders and supporters in scout groups in their local communities, giving young people confidence, a sense of purpose, life values and outdoor skills that are hard to find anywhere else – we call these skills for life!
Our Community Ambassador role...
Our Community Ambassadors are people in our local community that help to spread the word about scouting and promote the opportunities we have to get involved as a volunteer in our Scout Groups and Explorer Scout Units.
So how can you help?
We are looking for people who want to make a difference in their local community, people who have enthusiasm and enjoy working with young people. Do you know someone who has the ability to motivate young people? Do you know someone who can help our scout groups so that more young people can benefit from the adventure of scouting? Are you interested in finding out more yourself?
Give us an hour
Part of scouting's modern appeal to adults is our approach to flexible volunteering, it's great when people can make a regular commitment to help to provide weekly scouting to young people, but we know it's not always possible. We know that people have busy, often unpredictable lives – meaning that they can't commit to set hours, on set days.
When a person helps at a local scout group it doesn’t mean giving up all their free time. Our leaders work in small teams, some people give an hour a week, others give a hour once a month (or as it suits them), to help plan and deliver an exciting programme for their members.
There are many ways that they can get involved, from being in the thick of activities with a group of young people or working behind the scenes in a management, trustee or support role. Being involved is great fun and it goes without saying that helping young people can be one of the most rewarding things to do. People sometimes think that they have nothing to offer but they are always surprised!
They don't need to know anything about scouting - we provide a warm welcome, relevant training and lots of ongoing support.
Why is this so important?
We know that our scout groups have some amazing people. Yes, they are ordinary people, just like you, who together make extraordinary things happen. Recruiting more adults to join our scout groups will mean that more young people will get to take part in the fun of scouting.
We need your support in finding the right people to inspire, motivate and encourage our young people. We've designed a Community Ambassador pack which we hope provides are the information you need to help us find amazing people to get involoved in their local Scout Group. If you need any further help or have a qeston please don't hesitate to get in touch with Matt our Development Officer who will be able to help you.
If you know anyone who may be interested (or if you are interested yourself), please contact us on or call 0843 289 1548
We look forward to hearing from you.

If you are interested in this role, or know anyone who may be interested please contact us on or call 0843 289 1548