Recruiting new members

What things should you think about?

  • What do you need?

  • What does it look like around you? - What’s going on in the community?
    new schools, new housing estates, specific social groups,

  • Do people know where you are and what you do?

  • First impressions count:
    are you welcoming? easy to find?

Are you ready to recruit?

Sometimes we aren’t as ready as we think. So why not take the time to do a quick review of your section/group/unit before you actively reach out to young people.

Would more volunteers make a real difference before you recruit more young people? Do you have small sections or missing sections? What might the reasons for this be?

Make yourselves visible 

  • Join in with existing events in your community

  • Speak to community leaders and other organisations and encourage working together, creating links or building partnerships for mutual support. Scouts works best when it’s an active part of the community!

  • Get media savvy – community facebook groups are great for communicating with local community members. It’s also worth creating a Facebook page and Twitter account for your group/unit.

Click here for support with...

Updating your group / unit page on the county web site.


Our Going for Growth badge scheme...


Resources to help you with recruitment…


Here's some great words you could use when recuiting.....

Fun, challenge and skills for life! - Scouting: for 6 to 25 year olds

We believe in preparing young people with skills for life. We encourage our young people to do more, learn more and be more. 

Our members take part in an exciting programme of activities from kayaking to coding. They develop character skills like resilience, initiative and tenacity; employability skills such as leadership, teamwork and problem solving; and practical skills like cooking and first aid. "


Here's some great ads. you can use on your social media, web pages, newsletters etc.

(right click on the image and choose save as)

Scouts - Skills for life!


Chat with someone different to you


Achieve something as part of a team


Have a go at something (and prepare to fail)


Learn and pass on new skills


Spend a night away


Beavers banner


Cubs banner


Scouts banner


Explorers banner


Young Leaders banner


Network Banner

(right click on the image and choose save as)

Need a bespoke ad? email matt and he will be able to provide it for you (