How to... write a great advert

The way we speak about scouts can make a huge difference – allowing us to reach new audiences and bring brilliant new people onboard as a result. 

Use the drop-down boxes below to find out more about what to say and how to say it, using our range of ready-made resources.

Think about advertising tasks, not roles

You'll may have more success if you focus on tasks which need doing, instead of roles which need to be filled.

Before you start writing your advert, ask yourself: 

  • What sort of skills are needed to carry each task out?
  • Which qualities or life experiences would make someone a great fit?
  • What interests might someone who'd enjoy this role have? 

Instead of advertising for a ‘Beaver leader’, you might advertise for someone: 

  • Who enjoys interacting with young people
  • Who would be great at organising craft activities
  • Who has plenty of energy and enjoys playing games
  • Who's patient and caring