
Our aim: We provide exciting, high quality section programmes across our county, that are engaging, fun and enjoyable and are 'benchmarked' and supported by simple (digital) tools.

This means:

  • ensuring that a high-quality programme is delivered at section, group and district level across the county

  • providing programme support to leaders using new initiatives

  • running appropriate district and county events for all sections

  • ensuring that young people have a regular say in shaping their scouting - youth shaped.


When we talk about the programme we are referring to the range of activities, challenges and experiences that young people experience in scouting.
The scouting programme provides a structure of badges and awards, which are progressive through the sections, and based on a number of objectives. The objectives are based on scouting’s purpose to ‘actively engage and support young people in their personal development, empowering them to make a positive contribution to society’.

The scouting programme for all five sections is based around three main themes: outdoor and adventure, world and skills. This programme of activities is planned by the leadership team in partnership with young people, and should incorporates elements from each theme, to offer young people the most interesting and diverse experience. 

Programme goals

Click here to see the county's programme development plan


programme toolkit
programme policy




Take a look at these great resources...


Click here to contact our programme team


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