Specific issues for scouts moving to explorers

Scouts may have to venture a little further to meet with their new explorer unit. This creates an amazing opportunity for scouts to widen their friendship circle and meet explorers who have not been a part of their previous group.

This transition between sections may be more challenging than others because explorers operate at district level, so it’s really important that explorers are visible in the district and that unit’s visit local scout groups as often as they can.

Role of the scout leader

  • Maintain contact with the explorer scout leaders of the local unit(s)
  • Arrange regular joint activities with your local unit for the scouts and explorers to join in together
  • Pass on your troop membership list to the district explorer scout commissioner or administrator (or the person appointed to look after explorer scout records in the district), to allow the explorer scout section to plan future intake
  • Invite the explorer scout leader(s) from the local Unit(s) to come along to your scout meetings on a termly basis with a small group of explorer scouts or young leaders to run or join in with an activity with your scouts
  • Invite an explorer leader from your local partnered unit to attend your troop leaders’ meetings

The role of the Explorer Scout Team

  • Produce ‘welcome packs’ or use the national parents guide, for young people, their parents (and scout leaders) to introduce the explorer scout section, the activities and awards available.
  • Invite scout leaders to attend explorer scout unit meetings with their scouts for their first meeting.
  • Send an explorer leader to attend group leaders’ meetings for local partnered groups.
  • Ensure that the programme being run is inclusive and exciting on the evenings that you are expecting new people to join.

Some more great ideas

  • As a scout leader, you could get your scouts excited about moving on by inviting a your local explorer unit to visit your troop for an evening. The explorers can help run an explorer themed night.. The scouts can work towards their Link Badge by listening to the explorers talk about the fun they have and the awards they work towards.
  • Your district explorer scout commissioner or your district commissioner will be the best person to speak to for guidance on contacting explorer units in your district.
  • As explorer scouting is district-based, young people may feel that they lose part of the group identity they have built throughout their time within the Movement. It is vital that explorer scouts are visible in the district and that members and leaders visit scout troops regularly.
  • A lack of communication can be the greatest barrier to successful transitions if not managed appropriately.
  • The young leaders’ scheme helps younger members identify with the explorer scout section and makes it something they aspire to be part of.