Young Leaders' Scheme (14 to 18 year olds)

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The Young Leaders’ Scheme is a programme of 10 training modules and four missions (projects) designed to help and support those aged between 14 to 18 who work with Beavers, Cubs or Scouts as a Young Leader. It gives Young Leaders the skills and knowledge to act as part of the section leadership team, and covers subjects such as a balanced, quality programme, child protection, first aid and leadership skills.

What do young leaders do?

Completion of the Young Leaders’ Scheme modules are based on attendance. The Missions are where this learning can be put into practice (a similar concept to validation in the Adult Training Scheme).

The Young Leaders’ Scheme is designed to help Young Leaders to develop the knowledge, skills and understanding needed in their current role, which can be built on if they decide to take out an adult appointment.

Only Module A of the Young Leaders’ Scheme is mandatory, so it's important to discuss which modules and missions have been completed in order to identify what additional learning may be needed.

Young leader with Cub



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