Current volunteers joining a new team, or changing role within a team
Our volunteers with continuing service only need to complete the volunteer joining journey only once, when they first join the Scouts.
People who add or change roles in a team or start a new or additional role in a different team at any level do not need to complete the volunteer joining journey process. Instead, they follow the requirements of this volunteer role change process.
The role change may be within their current team or moving to a new team in a different group, district or county.
Some components of this volunteer role change process are similar, but not the same, as the joining process. The volunteer’s new role must be added to the membership system, after their new line manager has ensured that the new adult:
confirms they have the time and capacity to carry out the role
can recognise and manage any real or perceived conflicts of interest between current roles, where our rules don’t already expressly prohibit holding the proposed combination
They must also ensure that the person’s current line manager(s) is aware of the proposed new or additional role.
The volunteer must complete any of the seven steps that need to be completed for the role (that have not been previously completed), within 180 days:
a) Criminal record check (DBS)
A satisfactory criminal record check (DBS), must be in place at the time the additional role / change of team membership is added to the membership system. The criminal record check must cover the location in which the new role is based.
b) Internal check
Satisfactory internal check. The Scout Association carries out a check of internal records for all volunteers whenever a person adds or changes a team membership on the membership system, including changing role within a team.
c) References
If the new team membership requires references, then this must be completed if the person’s record does not show previous completion of references.
d) Declarations
Every time a person adds or changes a role, the volunteer must reconfirm their acceptance of the declarations current at the time of the new role.
If the additional or change of role includes trustee responsibilities, then the trustee declaration must also be signed on the membership system.
e) Trustee eligibility
Satisfactory completion of a Trustee eligibility check is required if indicated as a role requirement in the teams table (which can be found in chapter 16 of POR).
f) Growing Roots learning
Complete any outstanding Growing Roots learning within the timeframes set by their current role and complete any Growing Roots learning relevant to the new role that has not previously been completed.
g) Welcome conversation
If the teams table specifies that the person’s new role requires them to take part in a welcome conversation, then this must be completed if the member’s record does not show previous completion of a welcome conversation.
h) Joining a new team or taking on a new role conversation
Before a volunteer agrees to take on a new role, the relevant line manager should discuss the new role or team with the volunteer.
Once these steps have been satisfactorily completed the membership system will update the role to full appointment status.
When the role shows as full on the membership system and includes a satisfactory criminal record check, the volunteer no longer needs to be supervised when with young people and may undertake regulated activity according to our rules and the safeguarding code of conduct for adults (yellow card).