Returning volunteers
Where it is less than 30 days since a person had a recorded role on the membership system, a new role can be added without following the volunteer joining journey process.
When it is 30 to 180 days since the person had a recorded role on the membership system, they must follow the volunteer joining journey process, with the following exceptions:
The returning adult:
must complete the safeguarding and the safety learning within 30 days but does not need to complete the other learning units included in Growing Roots Learning
who has been re-instated following a suspension should have a conversation with their line manager about returning to their role(s) but does not need to complete a welcome conversation
Where it is more than 180 days since the person had a recorded role on the membership system, they must follow all parts of the volunteer joining journey process.
If the returning volunteer who has been re-instated following a suspension should have a conversation with their line manager about returning to their role(s) but does not need to complete a welcome conversation.