World Scout Jamborees
International Trips and Experiences
Over recent years our team have supported over 1,700 young people and adults to attend an international Scouting experience outside of the UK. These include day trips to France for Beavers and Cubs, weekends away with Scouts, and longer expeditions for Explorers and Network members. They have visited countries including Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, France, Holland, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Kenya, Korea, Canada, Portugal, Spain, Croatia, Switzerland and USA to name but a few.
Most of these trips are run by sections and group, with support from the our Internal Team but a number of them are organised / coordinated by County.

What does the International Team do?
The International Team Leader role is a role which is shared between Jake Sykes and Steph Hutchinson and we are supported by team members. We are able to:
- Assist groups/sections on planning trips overseas - including the paperwork (which really isn’t too painful!)
- Promote international volunteering opportunities
- Increase understanding about some of the issues affecting the world, we can help run a section night for the international badge
- Share information and experiences about Scouting all over the world
- Encourage Young People and Leaders to travel around the globe
- See what links we have all over the world to show you the full, global Scouting experience
- Facilitate County trips aboard for all sections
The Scout Association provides some guidelines and procedures for arranging a trip abroad :
Trips abroad have some additional planning complexities
There are several ways you can arrange a Scouting trip abroad. For example, if you have experience and fancy the challenge, you could arrange a trip completely from scratch, using resources from travel agents, the internet, local knowledge, and local contacts.
However, this may be your first trip or you may just like to have a helping hand, in which case you could use a tour operator who specialise in arranging trips for youth organisations.
Here are a few suggestions to help you on your way:
Travel Places organise international trips for Scout Groups : https://travelplaces.co.uk/alternative-scout-tours/
Venture Abroad also organise international trips for Scout Groups : www.ventureabroad.co.uk
26th World Scout Jamboree
Look ahead as we start to plan for our involvement in the 26th World Scout Jamboree in Poland in 2027. We will find out our Unit allocation early 2025, we will be initially selecting our unit leaders who will then select eligible young people, participants must be between the ages of 14 and 17 (Born 2010 – 2013). IST selection is expected to take place in the first half of 2026.
Further details ca be found at: www.scouts.org.uk/wsj and www.jamboree2027.org
Getting approval for a visit abroad:
When first considering going abroad please submit part A of the visits abroad form for approval to obtain your Permission to Plan your trip, as early as possible in the planning process. Part A requires very few details and should be submitted even if details are subject to change. The international team will need to review and approve your visits abroad form (both parts, A and B), your trip programme, itinerary, and all other relevant documents, before your trip may go ahead. We are here to ensure the trip can go ahead safely not to stop you going. We have to submit your paperwork to notify them Scouts are aboard a minimum of 6 weeks prior to your trip, as such we request all paperwork is submitted to ourselves 8 weeks prior to the deadline so we can review it and submit it to national.
Further details regarding the process are outlined at the back of the visits abroad form itself, Also the County International Team will provide you with additional guidance and support throughout the planning process, once we receive part A of your form and your request for approval to plan.
You can find the latest process and version of the “Visits Abroad Form” that you need to submit for approval HERE

Click here to download a PDF of this process and the proforma form
Any questions please contact the team on - international.team@southlondonscouts.org.uk
Jake and Steph