The building blocks of scouting

To ensure that quality scouting is delivered successfully within a scout group or explorer scout unit we believe that the following ‘building blocks of scouting’ should be in place:

  1. the benefits scouting provides are understood by the members of the group and the members of the local community
  2. there is an effective group lead volunteer and group leadership team in place
  3. The group provides the full family of scouting (squirrels, beavers, cubs & scouts)
  4. the sections have the leaders and adult supporters they need to carry out the section’s meetings
  5. the group’s section leadership teams are motivated  and committed to scouting
  6. the group has a suitable meeting place
  7. there is community interest
  8. some financial resources are available
  9. games, activity and camping equipment are available
  10. good governance happens: the group has proactive a group trustee board in place
  11. mandatory adult training has been completed or is underway by the group’s leadership team
  12. at least one member of each section leadership team has a nights away permit
  13. regular programme planning takes place in each section
  14. the group holds at least two events each year for all members of the group to take part in 

Once these building blocks are in place, we can grow scouting even more.