People who want to be involved won’t necessarily expect to have to fill in forms.

However, all adults who are involved in helping out

  - more than once in a 31 day period
  - and/or, are staying overnight
  - and/or, are handling the sections money
  - and/or, may have unsupervised access to young people

need to be DBS checked through the scout association, and, if they don’t have an adult appointment, need to fill out our adult information form.

When you are talking to your new helpers, explain that this is necessary to maintain a record of the people involved in scouting events and to ensure the safety of our young people.

Completing the necessary paperwork and processes in advance makes it much easier for you to manage your events.

Adults who offer service more frequently than once a month should be encouraged to become a section assistant.


Who should not be checked?

Adults and particularly parents, should not be routinely checked.

They do not need a DBS if they are helping you once a month (or for example, twice a year),

(They do need a DBS if they fall into any of the criteria list above).



Our Adult Information Form pack

Our adult application pack provides your new helpers with the information they need to provide you with information and complete their DBS check.

The pack is made up of a number of elements:

- welcome and application guide
- adult information form
- young people first card
- key policies guide

Physical packs are available from your District or if you want to download the pack CLICK HERE.