Online Scout Manager Gold Plus Membership

Using OSM

As part of our continued commitment to provide you with the best support you need to make scouting easier to run and more effective for all involved, we are pleases to be able to inform you that our County will be providing annual OSM Gold Plus membership, at no additional cost, for all sections and administration areas for every Scout Group and Explorer Scout Unit across our county.

Online Scout Manager (often know as OSM), takes care of all of your section-based and Group/Unit administration so you can concentrate on active Scouting. The Gold Plus package provides everything available to use in the gold membership and all additional upgrades, providing you with enhanced tools to help manage activities, track progress, and support administration for your sections/unit.


Challenge Badges, Activity Badges, Staged Badges, Core Badges, Due Badges, Badge Stock, Custom Badges, Badge Eligibility


Programme Planner, Events, Activity Database, Campsite Directory, Quartermaster’s Database, Risk Assessments, Parent Rota

Group Management

Contact Details, SMS Text Messaging (from 5.5p/msg), Multi-Leader Access, Section Size Planner, 5MB File Storage Quota, Push Notifications, Send Emails, Attendance Register, In Touch Exporter, Export Email Addresses, Flexi-Records, OSM Anywhere, 25MB File Storage Quota, Downloads, Census Aggregator, Expense Tracking + Receipt Uploads, Gift Aid, Dropbox Integration, 50MB File Storage Quota, Advanced Email System, 1GB Total File Storage Quota

Parent Portal

Noticeboard, Payments, Events, Programme, Badges, Personal Details, Email Viewer, Gift Aid


To access our OSM license code

To take advantage of our county provision, you need to enter our code in the account/payment section of OSM. More details of how to do this is provided when you request access to the code.  

To apply for our county code, please click the link below and complete our simple registration form. 

Please note, that we ask that you individually register for each section or admin. area that you want to use the code for. 

CLICK HERE to register for code access

PLEASE NOTE: Groups and Units in Bromley and Bexley Districts, who have previously added the GLSE discount code, please note that the code has changed and you need to apply to gain the new code. 

To help us manage or level of purchased licenses, please ONLY register for our county code shortly before your current membership period expires. This will also ensure a seamless transition. 

Please note - the only way to access the county paid OSM offering is to register and use the county code. 

OSM screen shot