Key points for communication:

1.   Be prepared and be clear

Be consistent in your message and know the facts. This way we can really improve the perception of scouting and increase our support.

   Be relevant and inspiring

Remember to keep examples, photos and images relevant to the audience you are trying to reach. Always consider the tone of voice being used, which should be positive, challenging, friendly, informal and surprising. Publicity aimed at young people should be addressed in the first person (i.e. talk to the young person as 'you', not 'they').

3.   Be consistent and inclusive

Scouting is open to all and any material produced locally should represent the and promote that. Always use inclusive images and plain English. Across the UK we are all part of the same Movement and It is important that we all support this.

4.   Be seen

Scouting has so much to offer to so many people and we should all feel proud to promote it locally, nationally and internationally. There are a wide variety of tools and resources to help you project a positive and adventurous image of Scouting.



  • Avoid scouting jargon and acronyms

  • Include at least two of our main brand values

  • Use our tone of voice - positive, challenging, friendly, informal and surprising

  • Include a call to action or link so people know how to get involved

  • Use exciting and adventurous images and video

  • Use our single colour purple logo

  • Tell inspiring stories and speak from the hear.

This is a great way to get started, but please contact us on if would like any extra support