Tools to help you run your Trustee Board

Please note –	this section of the web site is currently being updated. Some items may still refer to executive committees

Trustee Boards are an important part of scouting – but can sometimes be overlooked. 

The Group Trustee Board acts in the groups best interests, acting with reasonable care and skill to take steps to be confident that:

The scout group is:

 - well managed
 - carrying out its purposes for the public benefit
 - complying with the charity’s governing document and the law
 - managing the charity’s resources responsibly

It is accountable to the group scout council, which is made-up of all the people involved in scouting in the group: leaders, supporters, parents, administrators, patrol leaders, and a few others.

executive icon

Our trustee board toolkit will help you define the role of your group trustee board and its members.

There's lots of practical reference material on the different responsibilities of the board and downloadable and editable tools, templates and guidance, including help to recruit, welcome and induct members
of your trustee board. 

The toolkit covers:

  • the purpose and role of the group trustee board

  • the key responsibilities of the boards’ officers 

  • good governance & policy, organisation & rules

  • recruiting and supporting trustee board members

  • accounting and bank accounts

  • a rough guide to insurance

  • model constitution

  • claiming gift aid

  • creating a group assets register

  • successful annual general meetings (AGMs)

  • pro-active committee meetings

  • active sub-committees

  • supporting young people of your board

  • risk registers

  • Policies and processes 

Take a look at...

The templates available have been taken from a wide range of sources and can be used to create your own policies and tools. Please be sure that the wording, any financial details, any links to other websites are appropriate for your group. These templates are to give you a guide on how to write your own governance documents.  We will be updating this resource section as appropriate/necessary.