Policy, Organisation and Rules

The Policy, Organisation, and Rules of The Scout Association, often referred to as POR, explains as simply as possible the rules, policies and structure of The Scout Association and its dependent territories. It is updated at least once a year.

POR uses key words to indicate obligations for rules. 

‘Must’ means that adherence to the rule is mandatory. 

‘Should’ means that the rule is strongly recommended, with an expectation of adherence.  However, circumstances might justify an alternative approach.  This minimum good practice guidance should be followed unless there is a good reason not to.  It is good practice for such ‘good reasons’ to be agreed and recorded by the local governance team (Group, District, County Trustee Board or Country Board as appropriate).

‘May’ means that the rule is optional.  It indicates less formal advice and recommendations which may be found helpful in the management or governance of your Group, District, County or country.

Each Rule is distinguished by a Rule number, which references the Chapter in which it is located. Matters of policy, information and advice on good practice are generally unnumbered. Policies are authoritative statements of principle governing the work of the Scout Movement.  Rules provide directives, which must be followed by all to whom the Rule is addressed. 

Information provides a statement of fact, which does not require action on the part of the reader. For example, the chapter on the Association's Headquarters is provided for interest and understanding only.

It is impossible to set out in detail rules to cover every eventuality, which means that much depends upon the judgement of responsible people at every level of the movement. Everyone concerned should strive to exercise that judgement in ways that encourage the development and growth of the Scouts, and the safe delivery of programme

You can download the latest edition of The Policy, Organisation & Rules of The Scout Association from www.scouts.org.uk/por