Safeguarding Advisers

Places -Safe Scouting Team

Our Safeguarding Advisers support and develop a culture of safe scouting for our County. They give support, information and advice to help our adult members understand and follow the safeguarding, intimate care and youth member anti-bullying policies.


Give information and advice

  • Offer support and advice across the County (including for Groups and Districts) about promoting a culture of safeguarding
  • Support anyone organising events for Scouts to make sure they’re run safely and in line with Scouts policies.
  • Support Group / District / County Lead Volunteers to use website guidance on safeguarding and encourage safeguarding learning
  • Tell members where to go for more support on the Scouts website

Promote a culture of safeguarding

Support learning

  • Keep up to date with national safeguarding changes in Scouts using information available (including management information and data, local and national learnings)
  • Make sure volunteers within the County understand and follow our safeguarding policies, stay up to date on advice, guidance and rules, and promote a culture of Safe Scouting across the local area.

Work with other volunteers

  • Work with Group / District / County Lead Volunteers and the District / County Volunteering Development Teams to decide what support and information is needed for volunteers to follow our safeguarding policies.
  • Please note, this role doesn’t get involved in safeguarding cases. These are looked at by the HQ Safeguarding Team with the support of the Volunteer Safeguarding Lead or District / County Lead Volunteer (if there isn’t a Volunteer Safeguarding Lead).

Who can hold this role:

  • Any full member, except anyone whose only role is Trustee
  • It’s important to already have experience and knowledge of safeguarding within Scouts.

- This roil requires the holder to complete a DBS check
- This role doesn’t ask for qualifications or external experience in safeguarding, but it may be useful.

What learning is needed:

Click here to register your interest!