Resolutions Lead

County Support Team

Our Resolutions Lead oversees concerns raised under our Scouts’ Complaints Policy. 


  • Make sure all incidents are reported, recorded, responded to and closed, as required by the law and Scouts policies in good time.
  • Try and resolve any problems and issues raised by our adult and youth members, and by parents/carers of young people.
  • Think of ways, like good communication, to try and stop conflict before it happens and from happening again.
  • Keep up to date with policies and best practice.
  • Share knowledge from previous cases with the wider network of Resolution Leads (or Lead Volunteers where there’s not a Resolution Lead) and the Resolutions UKHQ Team.
  • Work with other Lead Volunteers, Volunteer Safeguarding Leads, Safety Leads, Data Leads and Local Suspension Leads, where needed.

Who can have this accreditation: 

  • These tasks can be shared as an accreditation with any full member, except anyone whose only role is Trustee,
  • This role requires the holder to have a DBS criminal record check).  

What learning is needed: 

It'll also be useful to learn about resolving conflict (content is currently being developed and will be added here when ready).

Click here to register your interest!