Data Lead

County Support Team

Our Data Lead oversees issues, cases and enquiries to do with our County Data Protection policies. 


Oversee issues, cases, enquiries and compliance and support volunteers to: 

  • Report, respond to and resolve data incidents and breaches appropriately and in good time, as required by the law and Scouts policies.  
  • Follow current UK data protection laws and regulations.
  • Respond to data subject rights requests which include subject access requests (where a person asks an organisation for access to the data they hold about them) 

Support best practice 

  • Promote a culture of good data protection practice.
  • Keep up a good knowledge of data protection law and best practice.
  • Come up with tools and practices to support their local area.
  • Offer general advice to Groups and signpost to the Scouts or ICO websites if there’s a data issue.
  • Let the Trustee Board know when there are data issues.
  • Be the main point of contact on all data issues. 

Provide guidance and support around protecting data 

  • Support the County to use secure software and appropriate hardware (known as technical controls).
  • Support the County to only give access to data that volunteers need, and to remove access if people leave their roles or teams (known as organisational controls). 

Who can have this accreditation: 

This accreditation can be held by ny full member. 

What learning is needed: 

Click here to register your interest!