County Safety Advisers

As part of our Safe Scouting Team, our Safety Leads support scouting across our county to make sure the safety of everyone involved in Scouts is being looked after.
Promote a culture of Safe Scouting
- Collaborate with adult volunteers to make sure they understand and follow our Safety Policy, at all levels.
- Keep up to date with national changes to safety at Scouts using information available (including management information and data, local and national learnings).
Support learning
- Work with the County Learning and Development Team to make sure members within the County stay up to date on safety advice, guidance and rules
- Learn and improve from previous incidents and near misses within the County (including those at Group and District levels)
Give information and advice
- Offer support for safety across the County. This could include providing advice to Trustee Boards, Lead Volunteers, campsite/activity centre managers and support teams, and section leadership teams
- Provide support to these that need it so they understands how to complete a risk assessment
- Support anyone organising events for Scouts to make sure they’re run safely and in line with Scouts policies.
- Work with Group / District / County Lead Volunteers and the District / County Volunteering Development Teams to decide what support and information is needed for volunteers to follow our safety policy.
Please note, this role doesn’t get involved in safety cases. These are looked at by the HQ Safety Team with the support of the Safety Lead or District / County Lead Volunteer (if there isn’t a Safety Lead).
Who can hold this role:
- This role cannot be held by anyone that holds a Trustee role
- It’s important to already have some experience and knowledge of safety within Scouts
What learning is needed:
- Growing Roots learning
- Leading on Safety learning
- Read and understand the Scouts Safety Policy
- Attendance at a national induction on Zoom
- Keep up to date with the required ongoing learning