Adventurous Activity Assessors (for different activities)

Our Adventurous Activity Assessors make sure volunteers have the skills, experience, and qualifications needed to safely lead an adventurous activity for young people in Scouts.
Assessors can be specialists in certain activities. For example, a paddleboarding Adventurous Activity Assessor can judge if a volunteer has the abilities needed to safely conduct paddleboarding activities for young people in Scouts.
Organise assessments
- Work alongside the Manager of the Activity Permit Scheme (MAPS) to organise and promote permit assessment courses
- Respond to volunteers who’ve requested assessments and help organise relevant assessment opportunities
Assess applicants
- Offer support to volunteers to understand their abilities before issuing a permit - Adventurous Activity Assessors can only assess activities they have an accreditation for
- Give feedback to volunteers and support their development
- Make recommendations to the County / District Permit Approver once an assessment is complete. The Permit Approver (always a different person) or Lead Volunteer then approves the Adventurous Activity Permit
Review assessments
- Share and review previous assessments with other assessors to make sure everyone’s on the same page
- Shadow other assessors
- Work with and learn from other assessors to improve the scheme across the UK
Who can have this accreditation:
- Any full member, except anyone whose only role is Trustee
- The role holder requires a DBS criminal record check
What learning is needed:
- Module 25 Assessing Learning – Adventurous Activities. (In the future this will become Adventurous Activity Assessor Accreditation Learning).
- A relevant National Governing Body qualification and meet the currency requirements (as outlined in the County Assessor Qualifications table) to make sure the person with the accreditation has the correct technical knowledge.
- Attend minimum two days of continued personal development in the last five years (between appointment reviews). This includes at least one day of technical learning relating to the activity, and at least one day of internal learning on assessing skills.
- Ongoing safeguarding and safety learning.