County Ideas Exchange

Ideas Exchange logo

Our future starts with you…

Join us at our County Ideas Exchange and help mould our future!

Over the past year, we’ve been working hard to make our larger County a reality. We did this whilst also planning for our new way of team volunteering. We are proud that scouting across our County continues to grow, is becoming more youth shaped, and inclusive while making a positive impact in our communities.

Now, we’re looking ahead to the future beyond 2025. We’re thinking about our priorities, the work we want to keep doing, and any new areas where we can make a difference and improve the life chances of the young people in our communities. We also want to provide better support to our leaders, managers, administrators, trustees, and supporters

We want as many people as possible from across our county to have the opportunity to contribute to this important process and what better way to do this than to come together to identify our challenges and plan for the way we are going to address the issues that matter to us all. We are delighted to invite you to do this at our County Ideas Exchange

which will take place on:

Saturday 22nd March 2025

At etc. Venues Conference Centre

Prosperous House, 241 Borough High Street, London, SE1 1GA

From: 8:30 for a 9:00am start to 5:30pm

The venue is a modern, conference centre that provides excellent service and facilities that are ideal for our needs and is conveniently located a short walk from London Bridge Train Station.

Venue etc

Throughout the day, we will work together to identify the challenges we face and explore potential solutions to enhance our support for our adults even better and explore ways we can support our groups and units as they deliver amazing programmes, help the communities we serve understand what we offer and believe in the benefits of being a member, recruit more adults and young people, and plan for the future to guarantee we can sustain scouting across our seven districts well into the future.

Places are limited - to book your place please click the link below and complete the booking form to reserve your place.

Click here to book your place

To help us with planning please book your place as soon as possible and by 12 noon on Friday 14th March 2025 at the latest.

We really hope that you can join us for this exciting day. Our future is going to be amazing, and it starts with you! 

We look forward to seeing you there.



Judy Freeman
County Lead for South London Scouts