The Don Broome Scout Trust

The Don Broome Scout Trust exists to help volunteers within South London to improve the Scouting we offer. Grants are made to Groups, Districts or to the County.

Donald Charles Broome was the County’s first Deputy County Commissioner until he was obliged to retire under the then 65 year age limit for leaders and commissioners. However, he continued to support Scouting in South London.

He had been a successful professional in the construction industry, and when he passed away in 1995 he left two substantial bequests to benefit Scouting in our County: one to the Alexander Fund and a larger one to the County itself.

The County Executive Committee did not want this very generous legacy to get absorbed into normal running costs. So, after a great deal of consideration, it decided to transfer the funds to a separate trust which would encourage and support the development of Scouting in Greater London South.

The Trust came into being on 1 January 1999 and the County transferred approximately £500,000 to it. Although Trustees are appointed by the County Executive Committee, the Trust is a registered charity separate from the County Scout Council.

We meet four times each year to consider applications. These can be made direct by any Group or District. We and the County both want this funding to be applied as effectively as possible, so we work closely with the County’s local development officers to ensure that County and Districts’ development priorities are supported. Consequently, it can be helpful to discuss possible applications with your local development officer, District Commissioner or a Don Broome Trustee before you make an application.

We support the development of Scouting – i.e. providing better Scouting for more young people. “More young people” is not only about increasing numbers. It could also embrace opening up Scouting to sections of the population who are currently missing out, such as different faith groups or young people with difficult economic circumstances, disabilities or health problems.

Recent grants have supported such projects as:

  • Development Service provision
  • purchase of recruitment materials
  • Start-up grants for new sections

as well as start up grants for new colonies, packs, troops, units and networks.

To apply for support follow this link for guidance notes and application forms, speak to one of us, your DC or Matt, our County Development Officer.

Current Trustees

  • Mike Jackson (Chairman)
  • Paul Barber
  • Martyn Bain
  • Andy Melia
  • Stuart Cunningham

The 2023 grants board meetings are on on

  • 27 April
  • 13 July
  • 26 October

PLEASE NOTE: Applications should be submitted no less than two weeks before the date of each meeting.


Click here to download the grant application form and guidance notes