Re-engaging young people
It’s great you are thinking about re-engaging young people into scouting.
When you are ready, have a chat with families to invite the young people back. You will know which is the best method of contact.
You may find that some people will be eager to get their children back to scouting but for others personal circumstances may prevent them from joining in straight away.
The ideas below will help in framing the conversation with families to get young people t come back to your section meetings.
Over the phone...
It's always more personal to have a chat over the phone.
When making contact with families you might want to think about exactly what you want to say to them. Click here for some examples to help you frame the conversation.
By email or post...
If you prefer to send out information via email or post, here is an example that you can use to send out to families.
Dear [insert parent/carer name],
Our plans for getting Beavers/Cubs/Scouts back together safely:
We are hoping to get our section back together and return to Scouting safely. We have sent some questions, to help us plan our meetings and understand who is likely to attend. We want to make our return to Scouting fun and exciting- please fill in and return the questions below.
We are planning on running [online/ face to face/ socially distanced/ outdoor] sessions and would love to see you there.
Best wishes,
[Insert Name]
[Insert Scout Appointment]
Questionnaire :
Child’s name:
How are you doing?
(e.g. personal circumstances, Child’s wellbeing)
Would you consider coming back to Scouting?
(e.g. face-to-face, Online, Socially distanced, Not at this time)
Is there anything you might need support with to come back?
(e.g. subs, not being socially distanced, using technology, too much screen time)
Would you be able to offer support?
(e.g. technology skills, volunteering, run ad hoc sessions, admin, planning programmes)
Do you have any concerns we should be aware of?
(e.g. mixing bubbles, local restrictions, Covid safety)