Our structure
Scouting across the UK is divided into around 160 Scout Counties. Within a Scout County, there are a number of Scout Districts, and within a Scout District there are a number of Scout Groups, Explorer Scout Units (14 to 18 years) and a Scout Network (18 to 25 years).
*Executive Committees are now called Trustee Boards
Our volunteer line management...
Line managers are volunteers who support other volunteers to be successful and often have decision-making roles to help carryout scouting.
If you are a section team leader or member, your line manager is the Group Lead Volunteer. Their line manager is the District Lead Volunteer. District Lead Volunteers report in to County Lead Volunteers.
Scout Groups...
Our four youngest age groups (we call them sections) – Squirrels (4 to 6 years), Beavers (6 to 8 years), Cubs (8 to 10 years), and Scouts (10 to 14 years), make up a Scout Group. There are around 8,000 Scout Groups across the country.
Our volunteer leaders are responsible for planning and delivering the programme to the young people in their section teams. Beaver, Cub and Scout Leadership Teams are supported by a Group Lead. The Group Lead is the lead volunteer in the scout group and is the team leader for the group leadership team, together with the group trustee board, they are responsible for making sure the group has enough suitable adults in their members, who have completed their learning, are supported and have the equipment they need to run amazing programmes.
District Leads...
The District Lead, is the lead volunteer in the scout district. As the team leader of the district leadership team, they coordinate the support and processes provided by the district to group leads and their groups.
The district leadership team is responsible for the overall provision of scouting in the area the scout district covers. The district lead supports the group leads in the district. The district leadership team coordinates the work of the wider district team which is responsible for supports the leaders in the beavers, cubs, scouts and explorer sections across the District.
District leads are supported by a county lead, county leadership team, county development and volunteers service, and the wider county team. Scout counties are made up of a number of scout districts.
Trustee Boards...
Each group, district and county elects a body of trustees including a chair, treasurer, and a number of board members. We call this group of volunteers the board of trustees.
The group, district or county trustee board with the relevant volunteer manager (group lead, district lead, or county lead), to ensure that the scout county, district or group operates in accordance with the policies, organisation, and rules of The Scout Association and the rules of the UK Charity Commission.
who are we?
South London Scout County is responsible for the growth and development of scouting in the London Boroughs of Bexley, Royal Greenwich, Lewisham, Bromley, Southwark, Lambeth and Wandsworth. We have over 160 scout groups and 75 explorer scout units spread across our seven scout districts which mirror the London Borough boundaries.
Every week over 3,500 adults volunteer some of their spare time to help provide exciting programmes to over 9,800 young people aged 4-25. They carry out a variety of roles at county, district and group level and we recognises the important contribution our volunteers make to the ongoing success of scouting in our local communities.