2: Plan

To achieve a successful change management process our plan includes the following key elements:

1. Analyse:

We will 

  • conduct an analysis of our current structures, processes, and culture
  • consider our history with change management and learn from what worked and what didn’t
  • identify our strengths and weaknesses and capacity for change and address any resistance
  • evaluate the flexibility of existing processes and systems to ensure we adapt and are better equipped to integrate larger practices and technologies
  • assess our available resources, including financial resources, technology, and skilled personnel

2. Ensure that everyone understands the reasons for change

We will clearly communicate the reasons for the change, its scope, expected outcomes and most importantly, emphasise the many benefits the larger county will provide and the opportunities it will create.

3. Engage our key stakeholders

We will involve all our key stakeholders early on and communicate with transparency to ensure that we can address any concerns to gain their support.

4. Create a vision for change 

We will develop a compelling vision of the future, post-change and will help all our adults understand the benefits it brings to each of them individually, and their Scout Group or Explorer Scout Unit, and Scout District, and how the change aligns with our organisation's skills for life plan.

5. Timeline

We will align our change program to our national change framework and develop a detailed timeline for the change process. We will also break down the change into manageable phases.

6. Communications plan

To ensure that our adults at all levels are well-informed about the reasons for change, the expected outcomes, their roles in the process, and how it affects and benefits them, we will: 

  • implement a robust communication plan which identifies key messages for each of our stakeholder groups
  • establish communication channels to gather insights, address concerns, and regularly keep everyone updated on the opportunities to get involved and the progress being made 
  • adjust communication strategies based on feedback
  • provide briefings and any necessary understanding to help our volunteers understand the renewed ways of working together and any larger processes or systems 

7. Get commitment 

We will secure commitment from our Leadership Teams, Lead Volunteers, and Trustees to actively support and champion the change and agree allocated resources and time for the change initiative to ensure we can actively complete the transformation process. 

8. Change team  

We will assemble a diverse change management team with representation from the counties, districts and groups. 

Their role is to:

  • work together to achieve out goal
  • aid negotiations 
  • plan in relation to management and governance
  • communicate the changes, with relevant rationale to all members of both counties 

and other stakeholders

  • support our District Lead Volunteers
  • decide and advise on processes
  • solve challenges
  • address any local issues

A series of in person meetings will be planned to steer key decisions and keep the team on track.

We will also identify and empower a team of district change champions, these individuals can act as advocates, helping to influence and guide others through the change. We will equip the team with the tools and skills required to guide others through the change.

9. Deliver the change 

We will deliver the changes according to the established plan and the decisions made and will address any challenges or issues promptly to minimise disruption to our timeline.

The key areas for consideration are:

  • decision making
  • procedural requirements
  • financial matters
  • change processes
  • appointment of key volunteers
  • communication

10. Monitor and evaluate   

We will establish our key milestones to measure our progress and the success of the change programme. We will establish a feedback mechanism to help us regularly evaluate progress and make adjustments as needed. 

Whilst it's important to take into account people’s views and feelings, our analysis will consider the best outcomes for scouting across Bromley, Bexley, Royal Greenwich, Lewisham, Southwark, Lambeth and Wandsworth. 

11. Celebrate successes and acknowledge contributions 

We will acknowledge and celebrate small victories along the way. Recognising achievements to help reinforce positivity and the benefits to everyone.

12. Flexibility and adaptability   

Our flexible approach will help us adapt the plan if needed. 

As options present themselves, our change team will consider whether they need further information to understand the consequences of our change plans at local level. If needed, we will gather more information and consider the options.

13. Keep going 

We will seamlessly integrate the change into our daily operation and monitor and reinforce the renewed ways of working together and the renewed processes at each level of the larger county. 

14. Continuous improvement 

We will establish a system to help us continuously improve based on feedback and lessons learned.