Advising on adult appointments (Module 37)

adult appointment process

The appointments advisory committee’s main function is to assist with the process of appointing and welcoming volunteers into scouting by advising on their suitability.

It's important to remember that the committee is not a ‘rubber-stamping’ body. It must carry out its responsibilities with integrity and with the welfare of the Movement and its members in mind. On the one hand, it has an important role in ensuring those who are unsuitable to work with young people or look after funds do not have access to either. On the other, it should not be a barrier to those who are genuinely interested in and suitable for taking on a role.

Ultimately, the appointments advisory committee exists to support the relevant commissioner, who has overall responsibility for scouting in their locality.

This module is for all members of the appointments advisory committee. It provides information and gives practical advice on the running of the committee.

The aim of this learning is to enable you to fully participate as a member of an appointments advisory committee.

It covers:

  • the structure of the appointments advisory committee
  • the responsibilities of the appointments advisory committee
  • the appointment process
  • how to run effective approval meetings

There are two key elements to this learning:

  • learning - This is where you gain or improve the knowledge and skills that you need for your role.
  • validation - This is when you demonstrate that you can apply what you have learnt to your role. Validation is essential for every module.

The learning...

Please watch this video. It will take you 50 minutes.

Remote video URL

You can download the slide deck from this video HERE.

If you want to expand your learning please watch this optional video...

Remote video URL

Please also take a look at the following pages...

  1. Everything you need to deliver a welcoming and effective appointments panel meeting

  2. The appointments meeting conversation guide

  3. The Policy, Organisation and Rules of The Scout Association (known as POR) - The appointments process


The validation...


To validate this module, you will need to understand the purpose of the appointment process in scouting and the steps that must be taken to ensure that it is welcoming, non-threatening and effective in appointing as far as possible only fit and proper persons.

And complete two of the following:

  • describe the appointment process
  • explain how the approval meeting should be prepared and conducted to ensure that it is nonthreatening to the adult
  • demonstrate effective questioning technique as part of the appointment process
  • arrange and take part in an effective approval meeting
  • describe the key items that should be checked to ensure that an individual is fit and proper to hold an appointment in scouting
Click here to validate this module online