South London Scouts Explorer 24!
Get ready for Explorer 24 – an exhilarating 24-hour event exclusively for South London Explorer Scouts! Whether you're an adventurer at heart, a creative thinker, or someone eager to connect with other Explorers, this event promises something for everyone!
When: Saturday 8th March 10am - Sunday 9th March 10am
Where: Cudham Shaws Outdoor Centre
Who: All Explorer Scouts across South London Scouts
Why: The County Youth Team are putting on an event like no other, with continuous activities for 24 hours between the opening at 10am Saturday until the closing & awards at 10am Sunday.
Explorers will have 24 hours to complete as many activities as possible, spend time with friends, meet new friends and have their say in our new County!
How to sign up: Explorer Section Leaders can sign up Explorers in their unit by visiting our tickets website:
Sign Up!
By signing up, the Section Leader & Explorers agree to the SLS Explorer 24 Code of Conduct
Please note that due to the nature of the event, all adults will be pitching in with activities and other duties during the event. Please let us know of any permits or other useful skills!
If none of the Explorer leaders in your unit are available and you have Explorers that want to join the event, please sign up your Explorers using this link as normal and let us know that none of your unit leaders are available. Before the event, we will make the necessary checks with the Explorer unit leader that signed up the Explorers, and your local District Explorer Scout Commissioner, or in the absence of, your District Commissioner (POR Ref
How can I sign up/when does sign up close?
- Sign up here!
- Early Bird tickets are only available in January!
- Normal Tickets will end on the 23rd February
How much does it cost and what does this include?
- Explorer EARLY BIRD camp fee is £40 and includes all activities, Saturday Lunch, Saturday Dinner & Sunday Breakfast, lanyard, camp badge & fees payable to the campsite. - This will rise to £45 when the Early Bird discount ends!
- Adults camp fee is £10 and includes Saturday Lunch, Saturday Dinner & Sunday Breakfast.
When do Explorers need to arrive?
- Check in will open at 09:20 and close at 09:40 ready for the opening ceremony at 10:00.
Do Explorers need to bring food and cook themselves?
- No – all catering will be provided centrally including snacks & drinks available throughout day & night.
What do Explorers need to bring?
This is not an exhaustive kit list, but please remember to bring the essentials:
- Unit scarf
- Plate, bowl, cutlery & water bottle/cup/mug
- Enough clothes to keep you warm
- Tent for yourself/your group
- Sleeping bag
- Torch (unless you can see in the dark)
- Waterproofs
- Camp blanket (to take to the campfire)
- Medication if required
Can Explorer Scouts drive themselves & park at the campsite?
- Yes, we will provide instructions closer to the date for onsite parking arrangements.
- Please consider car sharing to reduce the number of vehicles that we need to find spaces for, to help the environment and to save time with drop off, parking and pick up.
Are Explorers expected to bring a tent to put up at the campsite, or stay awake the full 24 hours?
- Please remember to bring a tent put up. You don’t want to get to the middle of the night and regret not having a place to sleep!
- There is plenty of space to camp, we have booked the whole campsite.
- You can try to stay awake for the full 24 hours but bring a place to sleep anyway.
Does my Explorer leader need to attend?
- Not necessarily, please see information towards the top of this page for the full answer.
Who submits the NAN form for this camp?
- The Explorer leaders will need to complete their own NAN form or event passport. All the District Lead Volunteers have been informed about the event and an event risk assessment has been provided. Your risk assessment will need to cover the things you can control: sleeping arrangments, travel to/from site, your minor first aid incidents etc.
Is there a minimum number the event needs to run or a maximum before sign up closes?
- We will review the numbers that have signed up and communicate to Youth Leads, District Explorer Scout Commissioners & District Commissioners in the weeks leading up to the event with this information. There is no fixed minimum or maximum until we hit the campsite capacity, so we will communicate via social media and email if spaces are running out!
- With 1179 Explorers in South London, we are aiming for at least 15% attendance across the County to make this new event a success!
How will first aid work?
- We have a First Aid team of experienced Scout volunteers who will be available throughout the camp, we do however ask any minor issues are sorted amongst your unit and recorded with the crew.
What toilet facilities will be at the campsite?
- There will be male, female, accessible, gender neutral & adult toilets at the campsite
Will there be photographs and videos taken?
- We will have the County Media Team at the camp taking photos and videos.
- Please inform us of any individuals that should not be included in photos & videos.
What happens if there are behaviour issues with Explorers during the camp?
- Any breach of our camp Code of Conduct will always be handled by two adult members of camp staff and will follow the process set out in the Code of Conduct.
How can I contact the organisers for an additional query?
Please email us at: